RoarI have 4 simple strategies that I want to share with you today. These are strategies that I use in my own life that have helped me tremendously and I hope they do the same for you.

1. Highlight the positive things about you and things you have done.

Be your own best friend. What do you tell a friend who’s tried something new, whether or not it turned out well? At least you tried something new- good for you!

Emphasize the effort it took in doing something, rather than the final outcome. (You’d do it for your best friend, wouldn’t you?) We all have limitations. The key is to accept that you have them without dwelling on them.

2. Don’t be afraid to take some risks.

When you are about to embark on a new experience, do you spend your time worrying so much about the outcome you aren’t enjoying the moment? If you look at new things in your life as a chance to learn something, it opens up the possibility of you becoming good at that something.

If you spend your time dreading the outcome, you’ll turn any opportunity there might have been into a failure. What’s more, we can’t grow when we are frozen with fear. Don’t set yourself up to fail. If you do, look at number one, again!

3. Use positive self-talk to keep assumptions away.

We all use self-talk and no I am not talking about those negative inner drunken monkey critics. I am talking about positive self-talk that motivates us in the right direction. The key is to use positive self-talk in a way that we don’t form bad thoughts that can lead to permanent doubts and limiting beliefs. Catch yourself using negative self-talk and cancel it with something positive.

Build your confidence by not expecting perfection from yourself at all times. You can only do your very best at something. Nobody can do everything perfectly, so why do you assume that you should be able to?

4. Learn to rely on your own self-evaluation.

If you always rely on the opinion of others, you’ll always be wondering what they think of you or your ideas. This is a huge mistake because relying on others opinions will keep you from your purpose because they may not want to see you excel! That does nothing to build your confidence or the value of your worth – it tears you down, by giving away your personal power to others.

Focus on the real authentic you, inside, to find out how you feel about your own actions, how you’ve been doing your job, taking care of your home, your business, your family etc. You’ll be developing a strong sense of who you are.

It’s important to remember that no one can be self-confident all of the time. In fact, you’ll build confidence faster and easier once you realize that and more importantly you will continue to make deposits in your confidence bank and increase the value of your self-worth.

Most people with low self-esteem or who lack in confidence are that way because of unrealistic expectations. They expect more from themselves but do not set realistic goals. A person with low self-esteem will think nothing about calling him or herself a “loser”.  They wouldn’t dream of saying that to someone else. In order to builf confidence and value your self-worth, it’s a good idea to be your own best friend.

You Connextion Works assignment:

Take time out to write down and make a list of every good quality you have. Write down everything you like and love about yourself. Tell yourself something positive each day by starting your sentence with I am…

As always, Live life like you know your worth it!


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