Pathway to SuccessCreating your path to success begins with a firm foundation. Knowing WHAT you want is only the beginning. Visualizing what you want and verbalizing affirmations out loud makes your intentions stronger. However, this is not enough. So what IS the secret to realizing your goals? Let’s walk the path together. As we walk the path step by step, I encourage you to write the answers to these questions:

Step 1: Where are you now? What are your strengths, resources, and areas of improvement?

Step 2: What do you want to achieve? What is important to you? Money? Relationships? Having fun? Creating a vibrant body? …Use your imagination to explore. List everything you want without editing.

Step 3: What do you REALLY want? What lights you up and gets you excited? What is your heart’s desire?

Step 4: Now explore the risks, barriers, or challenges that could hinder you from achieving these goals. Notice what is stopping you from having what you want now. This is the most powerful question to answer because it is how you sabotage yourself from success. By recognizing the challenges, barriers or risks and addressing them in your Purposeful Action Plan, you manage your productive tension to focus on your desired outcome.


What is stopping you?

Who is stopping you?

Do you have feelings of unworthiness?

Do you have self-sabotaging mind talk?

Do you dress for success?

How is your love life? Do you regularly express your love to the significant relationships in your life?

Let go of negative people, get them out your life!

Release self pity – Focus on gratitude instead.  Make list of positive things in your life.

Attitude – are you usually upbeat?

Health: attitude, energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being are all linked to good health.

Health is supported by the following:


Exercise: Gratifying forms can include weight lifting, dance, belly dance, Tango, golf, tennis, jogging, walking, cycling, yoga, and many other forms.

Diet: Well balanced diet is best. Studies have shown that excessive protein creates health risks/issues.

Medical exams: Regular checkups help you know where you stand and how to get back on track if necessary.

Spiritual Life: Your spiritual life builds your foundation.

Complacency or “Golden Handcuffs” – When we get too comfortable, we can set ourselves up to fail. If you are at the top, keep your edge and passion by giving yourself new challenges.

Do you have the passion to win or achieve a goal?

Step 5: Select your favorite goals and write an affirmation for each following this format:

I have…

I am…

I achieve…specific goal stated in present tense by specific deadline.

State your goals in specific, measurable terms so you can recognize their achievement. Avoid the use of the words “try, not, don’t, can’t, shouldn’t…” The mind does not hear the “not” and cannot produce results with “try”. An example of an affirmation is “I achieve my monthly financial goal of $$$ easily by the 28th of every month.” Another example of an affirmation is, “This is my LUCKY day!”

Step 6: Imagine yourself already having your goals accomplished. What do you see? What do yo hear? What do you feel? What do you smell? What do you taste? Let yourself BE there now!

Step 7: Create a Purposeful Action Plan to achieve your desired results. Be specific about every step required. The goals need to be compelling to be achievable.

Step 8: Reinforce your goals daily. Create a vision map with YOU in the picture and place it where you can see it daily. Record your affirmations in your voice and listen to them daily. Repeat your affirmations as soon as you wake up in the morning, periodically during the day, and every night before you go to bed.  Focus on what you desire.

Step 9: Be Accountable. Find a coach who you will allow to hold you accountable in a supportive way. Ultimately, accountability is the key to success. A coach supports you by inspiring self-confidence and self-discipline. For best results, the coach is someone who has no attachment to the outcome. The coach walks the path with you — but not for you.

Ultimately, your success depends on your ability to monitor and manage your level of productive tension.

